When visiting Chicago you will find street carts serving the ever popular Chicago Dog with the works. An all beef hot dog served on a poppy seed bun and not to mention the other 7 ingredients on top. 

Serves: 1
Cook: 5 minutes
Prep: 2 minutes

Vienna Beef Hot Dog
Poppy Seed Bun, steamed
Classic Yellow Mustard
Pickled Relish
White Onion, finely chopped
Fresh Tomato
Kosher Pickle Spear
Sport Peppers
Dash of Celery Salt

Place the hot dog into simmering water and simmer until the hot dog reaches an internal temperature of 170-180 degrees. 

Assemble the "Chicago Dog" by placing the hot dog into the poppy seed bun and placing the remaining ingredients onto the hot dog. Enjoy!

chicago dog