Chocolate Raspberries
Prep: 4 minutes

1 pint Raspberries
1/4 cup White, Dark or Milk Chocolate Chips
1/2 pin Blueberries

Stuff each raspberries with 1 chocolate chip, then gently toss in the blueberries. Enjoy!
*Bonus: Freeze for a fun cool snack

Star Cakes
Makes: 10 cakes
Prep: 4 minutes

1 loaf Pound Cake, sliced into 1 inch pieces
10 Strawberry Slices
1 Blueberries

Using a star cookie cutter, cut out stars in each pound cake slice. Top the cake with a strawberry slice and a blueberry. Repeat the process with the remaining then serve and enjoy!
*Bonus: Spread whip cream over the pound cake then add on the sliced strawberry and blueberry.

We're celebrating the 4th of July with some fun classics and giving them a new twist and look.

chocolate raspberries STAR CAKES